Sunday, 24 August 2008

Here comes olympics to london

So, what we were waiting for, Olympics coming to London,

First impression!

look at boris jhonson, Mayor of London ah! coming into stadium with Mayor of Beijing, standing on the stage of closing ceremony with Olympics chairman, LOOK AT MAYOR OF LONDON WITH HIS JACKET BUTTONs OPEN, manners, world is looking....

8 Minutes show with a rock song...what Olympics games are coming to? The design of stadium we originally submitted to Olympic committee is not being built anymore, cost of games are already more than what we were expecting, PROMISE EACH LONDONER WILL GET FREE TICKET TO GAMES, not sure yet, promises promises and promises, I HOPE IT ALL GOES WELL.

There is no doubt china has done really good job in starting and closing ceremony, can we compete that?

British media was trying their best to go to china and pick up on problems china has, without thinking that the problems we have in london.